A downloadable Mecha Riders for Windows

You and your friend teams up to solve puzzles using your special abilities 

KCP-01 : Fire to burn brambles to access his own pressures plates and clear the way for your sidekick Yoma-02

Yoma-02 : use your electrical abilities to energize cables and generators to open the way for your sidekick KCP-01

Credits :

  •  Mathys Mechain : Developer
  • Arthur Piqueras :  3D artist , Concept Artist , Level Designer , Texturing
  • Ylann   Dauve  : 3D artist , UI artist  , Concept Artist , Texturing
  • Sebastien Mateo : 3D artist , Animation , Level Designer , Texturing
  • Adame Nzerwalt : 3D artist , Texturing
  • Clem Marinier : Sound Design

Controls :

Thanks to the teachers who supported us during this project and to the students who tested the game during the multiple playtests


Mecha Riders Fire and Thunder.zip 186 MB

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